Creativity + Collaboration = Container Yard
Dreams are not meant to be deferred. Living in a world where anything is possible, the founders of Container Yard decided to create a place in Mobile, Alabama that will encourage members to develop their ideas into reality.
In order to create, we must collaborate.
Sitting in a cubicle and having social time on our lunch break is no longer acceptable. Here at Container Yard, we encourage creative collaboration all day, everyday. As a Downtown Co-working club, we focus on building a culture of commerce and creativity through a “Get in, Get Going” attitude.
Co-working is the new classroom. Learn from fellow entrepreneurs and advance your knowledge of various skills through our monthly Yard Talks, designed to help you drive your business to the next level.
Established by four local entrepreneurs, Stacy Wellborn, Johnny Gwinn, Taylor Atchison and Robert McCown have learned the value of working in a creative environment. They created Container Yard as place for rookie and veteran entrepreneurs to take their business ventures to new heights.
By encouraging members to collaborate with one another, Container Yard is successfully bridging the gap of contrasting professions. This is a place for property developers and engineers to collaborate with salesmen and PR professionals. All four partners know what it is like to work in the creative field and have plans to encourage more creativity in all aspects of business with Container Yard members.
As a member and partner of the Container Yard community, Robert shares the idea of how a studio environment can grow our creative synergy in Mobile.

"I was formally trained in a studio environment where one could celebrate their peers achievements. While working diligently on our individual tasks we were not working alone and we were in a positive circle of influence of like-minded doers. Container Yard is a studio of doers." - Robert McCown
We invite you to become a member of our creative community and spread some synergy!